Tijdschrift voor Privaatrecht

1964-2003 online open access, vanaf 2004 via Jura 

Esteemed reader,

Welcome to the website of the Association Tijdschrift voor Privaatrecht (TPR) and its journal, the most reputed private law journal of the Low Countries. This website offers you a huge amount of free information on and from our journal.

By navigating in the left margin, you will find a full text archive of all articles published in the years 1964 to 1998. We have given open access to these archives in order to contribute to a better knowledge of private law and a better private law. The contributions from 1999 onwards can be found in 'TPR online'. Under VVSRBN you will also find most preliminary advice from the Association for the Comparative Study of Law in Belgium and the Netherlands.

Our website also contains information on the rich history of our association, includung the annual TPR-prizefor young authors and the TPR exchange chairs. en de geldelijke ondersteuning van colloquia en onderzoek door de ivzw TPR.

On a separate page you will find the Guidelines for authors and auteursrichtlijnen en het submission form and the instructions for submission of articles.

We sincerely hope that you will enjoy reading and we thank the Leuven Law Library team for their precious work in the development of this website.

Vincent Sagaert and Matthias Storme,
Co-Directors of the Editorial Board


The editors have tried to obtain the consent from all authors who have published contributions in the years 1964-1988 - or from their heirs - in view of the republishing of these contributions in open access. It was, however, not possible to reach all of them. In case the holder of the copyright objects to this republication, please contact the editors.

TPR, Coupure 5, 9000 Gent