Tijdschrift voor Privaatrecht

1964-1998 online open access, from 1999 via Jura and Jurisquare

About TPR | Subscriptions | Contact

About TPR

The Journal "Tijdschrift voor Privaatrecht" (ISSN: 0082-4313) is the most reputed journal of private law in the Low Countries (Belgium / the Netherlands). It has a tradition of more than 50 years, in which it has helped to shape many fields of the current private law. This website is another instrument to promote the further development of private law.

One of the reputational foundations of the Journal Tijdschrift voor Privaatrecht are the Chronicles of case law. These thematic overviews of case law are very precious for lawyers who for either practical or theoretical purposes want to obtain deep knowledge of a specific topic.

Apart from these chronicles, TPR offers contributions of which the peer review process guarantees that they are surely innovating and deep-level. TPR has thus succeeded in becoming the journal setting the scene for further developments in private law. Several now well-known concepts or ideas or their application in e.g. Belgian law originated in TPR. By way of example we can refer to the contributions on rechtsverwerking (P. Van Ommeslaghe), third party accounts (E. Dirix), marginal control of decisions (J. Ronse), conversion of void juridical acts (J. Ronse), astreinte (Marcel Storme), or product liability (H. Cousy).

All articles in TPR have been submitted to double-blind peer review (since 2014).

TPR is however more than only a journal. The association plays an important role in the further development of legal science. Every year in November, it awards a Prize to the best contribution by a young author in that year. Cross border contacts between lawyers in Belgium, the Netherlands and South Africa are promoted, especially by awarding annually several TPR Chairs (normally every year two chairs between Belgium and the Netherlands and one with South Africa). This also stimulates exchange and interaction between these different jurisdictions and their legal systems, in order to further raise and improve the study of private law.

From 1964 to 2014, TPR was directed by its founding father, prof. Marcel Storme (1930-2018). We refer to the Laudatio for the honorary director given at the academic conference for the 50th birthday of the journal (1994).

If you would have any questions or observations on the basis of this website, please feel free to contact us.

Yours sincerely,

Vincent Sagaert en Matthias Storme,


For more information on the history of the TPR, see the following article (in Dutch) by Sebastiaan Vandenbogaerde:

Vijftig jaar grensoverschrijdende rechtswetenschap:
Het Tijdschrift voor Privaatrecht (1964-2014)
Sebastiaan Vandenbogaerde (wetenschappelijk medewerker UGent (FWO))
TPR 2014, afl. 1, 69-111


The Tijdschrift voor Privaatrecht consists of 4 issues a year.
The volume of a full year has on average 1600 pages.

The annual subscription price is 157,73 € + BTW = 167,19 €. Students or lawyers graduated since 3 years at most get a 50% discount.
Subscriptions are per year and are automatically renewed if not terminated before the 1st January of the following year.

ISSN: 0082-4313

For more information, please contact

Wolters Kluwer Belgium - customer service
Ragheno Business Park
Motstraat 30
2800 Mechelen
Tel: 015 78 76 00


Coupure 5
9000 Gent

Tiensestraat 41
3000 Leuven

Responsible editor: C. BEYAERT, Coupure 5, 9000 Gent

TPR is incorporated in Belgium as an "International non-profit association" since November 20, 1997 with registration number BE 0465.932.174